Enriching your mind

Ever wake up and feel like there is something wrong with your day ? That someone or something is definitely missing? Ever felt a creepy deep voice echoing in you that there is a mess of things somewhere, somehow ? Well you ain’t alone, that happens to almost everyone.
At one point you could even be moody👻 not willing to invite any soul at your table of thoughts.

It’s that time when you are probably prone to making your worst mistakes. But hey! There is a secret on how to evade all this… Well, the answer lay in how you had to start your day, how you intend to go through it, how to go about any hiccups, and your success…

In this sense, I’m gonna focus on meditation. How often do you meditate ? Have you even ever thought about it, do you plan on doing so ?
Meditation is more of contemplation on deep abstruse nature, or deep thoughts. It’s a way of clearing one’s mind, making the mind pure.

So why meditation? I talk about it because it’s healing to the mind, to the soul, a mind-reliever. It a pace setter.
For starters, best ways to reap from it is first thing before you leave your bed, take 5 mins meditating on anything.

Clear your thoughts before you leave your bed. Meditate about how your day should flow, what should entail it. Plan your day as you meditate within these 5 minute. Silence every noise that may become obtuse in your mind, then you’ll be good to go for the day.

At first, this may be a little hard if not almost impossible, but if you train your mind spontaneously, you’ll gradually catch up and enjoy it’s benefits.

Best if you try it out twice or thrice a day; in the morning when you wake up to brace yourself for the day, in the afternoon just to relieve and relax yourself of whatever could have jeopardized your day, and finally before you sleep. Just to clear you mind of all the day’s work and have a good night sleep.
With this going on in your life, what else could go wrong ? Definitely nothing.

Remember, a healthy mind is a rich mind.

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